Sunday, November 28, 2010

Prevention is better than Cure

“ As  advocate for Better Health, our group travels to introduce our products and services for preventive health measures.  The  common reaction we get is that most associate health products with its cost.  From the many we encountered, health care and  nutritional needs are at the bottom of their list.  This  observation made us more determined to do more advocacies on the Practice of Health Preventive Maintenance. We must not wait till we are ill to pay attention to our health. We instead  have to work at it as if our lives depended on it because it really does.”

Prevention are the actions  we take  to prevent us from  illness and promote better  health measures  to reduce or avoid  the need for secondary or tertiary health care.  Cure is to make healthy again through treatment.  Remedies such as: medicine, therapy and surgery are prescribed by doctors to relieve pain and heal diseases.

Prevention means to prevent you getting it in the first place, and curing something is getting rid of something you have, so it is better to prevent and not actually get a disease in the first place rather than suffering from a disease and having to cure it. Primary prevention aims at averting the occurrence of a disease and secondary prevention is to limit the disability by preventive measures, early diagnosis and  prompt treatment. The preventive measures works before the patient goes to hospital for cure.

We were taught or told as early as in our childhood days to take measures to avoid getting sick.  Simple habits such as washing our hands before eating, brushing our teeth to avoid tooth decay, exercise to keep fit and vaccination against diseases, etc. but we all know that these are not enough to prevent us from getting sick.  As a child, we were also taught the ‘An Apple a day Keeps the Doctors Away. ’In our very busy lives we forget the significance  of nutrition for our wellbeing  and have not the time to listen to our nutritionist or visit the doctor.  We wait till we are very ill then we are willing to try anything, spend everything we have to get our health back.

In our modern society we are introduce to fast foods, street foods and junk foods which we love because they are very convenient to gulp down as we rush to our routines or simply prefer them because they are the fad of the century.  We ignore or think that food supplements are expensive without realizing that they are what we need instead of that delicious looking burger.

In one of the meetings I attended, a nutritionist speaker said  that to get the full nutrition value of the kind of food we eat (example banana) we have to eat a kilo of it. But the human  body is not designed  to support food intakes  by the kilo of each food nutrition type it  needs so we take them in small proportions. Health conscious individuals would prepare fresh vegetable or fruit juices so that they can take more of it. Food is very crucial to our health  but are we getting enough vitamins from our daily diet?  Food supplements are therefore essential to supplement that lacking vitamins needed by our bodies.

The more vices and unhealthy habits we have such as: alcohol, tobacco, lack of sleep, fast foods or obesity,  the more we should pay attention to  health food supplements.  Eating healthy  and proper nutritional food supplements together must be the vital ingredients for our wellness.  If we think they are expensive, try the cost of cure and the pain that goes with it.

"Ill-health of body or of mind, is defeat. Health alone is victory. Let all men, if they can manage it, contrive to be healthy!" Thomas Carlyle 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Health is the Wealth of Wealth

By:  J.A.Baeyens

"I am a real estate broker and ambitious to be a top seller in the industry.  I wanted to be the best in what I do.  Rain or shine, I rush to meet clients or go to meetings, project presentations, trainings, etc.  Then I got sick, what I thought as normal pain was more serious than I expected.  I experienced the real feeling of pain not only what I was going through with  my illness but also the inconveniences and burden  I caused my family and to others for having had to care and bear with me. It was unbearable not to be able to do anything while needing too much attention and resources from others.  I was blessed to have overcome that unpleasant period of my life so I decided to share what I learned at that time I thought I was going to die.  That is how I started to get involved and ventured into the health business".

Health  - the simple definition would be  the general condition of a person in all aspects.  A healthy state of wellbeing free from disease while Wealth is commonly defined as having an abundance of material possessions and resources. Wealth does not only mean plenty of money, one can be wealthy of other things too but I am going to refer to wealth here as “money.”

When we lack wealth, we are categorized as poor but when we lack health we are simply ill or sick.  In our present society, Lifestyle is generally associated with how much asset we have or money we make.  Our status in society is measured according to our material possessions and to most, life is to have more money.  To acquire more riches we forget or abuse the most important tool we have for acquiring that wealth which is  our body.  We devote our time for wealth that will  make us successful and do not have the time to take care of ourselves-health.

Health and wealth are strongly related to each other and it is almost impossible to have one without the other.  We must have  both to enjoy life.  We can not be happy to have vast wealth but with chronic pain everyday.  In the same breath, we can’t be healthy without money specially in this century. There must be a  balance between the two and that is what our group wish to advocate.

He who enjoys good health is rich,
though he knows it not."
 Italian Proverb 

Health must be the most important wealth because with good health we can always find a way to make the money and live the life we desire. If we have poor health in the other hand, we are most likely to spend every wealth we got to have better health.

Perhaps we can learn from these Chinese Proverbs:

Image courtesy of Face it.

·         With money you can buy a house, but not a home.
·         With money you can buy a clock, but not time.
·         With money you can buy a bed, but not sleep.
·         With money you can buy a book, but not knowledge.
·         With money you can buy a doctor, but not good health.
·         With money you can buy a position, but not respect.
·         With money you can buy blood, but not life.
·         With money you can buy sex, but not love.