Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Year – time for joy and reflections

Share the love.  Be in your power!

"The greatest joy in life is giving... Give your love because it is the magnet to all the riches of life...  Your love, your joy, your positivity, your excitement, your gratitude, and your passion are the true and everlasting things in life.  All the riches in the world cannot even come close to the most priceless gift in all of creation - the love inside you!" --- from The Power

Five more days and 2010 will be gone forever.  The moment for reflection, to integrate experiences and learning points from the past year/s.  To appreciate all the blessings that crossed our path along the way and to prepare for the new dawn of another year.

We are grateful for what we have right now; the power of our health products; the customers and marketing executives whose lives are changed for the better; the support of our company and team; the trust and belief in our group; the unselfish efforts of our business mentors, partners and so much more. We celebrate our blessings, success and wishes that came true.  Our failures and shortcomings that taught us to be better and encourage us to change and adapt  more positive attitude so that we can feel the joy of sharing, the happiness, the love and power in our lives.

At  Royale Eagles MVP we resolve to  continue  sharing the gift of Health, Abundance,  Hope and the exciting Future in 2011 and beyond.  We resolve to light up the world beginning today, our New Year!

Yesterday is gone and we celebrate for having survived the struggles  we  have had.  We can rise above our predicaments and claim our  rights for a better tomorrow. Susan Dunn, a clinical psychologist, has observed that people who can bounce back after failure and figure out what needs to change to confront new obstacles without losing their nerve generally do these essential things:

·         Learn from experience.  Resilient people reflect on what happens to them -- good and bad -- so they can move forward without illusion.

·         Accept setbacks and losses.  Face the reality of what happens in order to get past it.

·         Recognize emotions.  Resilient people identify what they're feeling and express their emotions appropriately.

·         Keep time in perspective.  Past, present, and future are separate.  Don't mix them up (by letting what's in the past determine your choices in the here and now, for example).

·         Think creatively and flexibly.  Look for new ways to solve problems and face challenges.

·         Take care of yourself.  Resilience is based on good physical and mental health.  Get enough rest, eat sensibly, and spend time with people who support you.

·         Ask for help.  Resilient people don't try to do everything themselves.  Ask others for assistance, and learn how to do so graciously and effectively.

Royale Eagles MVP invites those  who wish to change their lives for the better to join us in our advocacy for:
·                No more struggling to get through the month
·                No more worrying about where to find money for your 
                children's education
·               No more frustration because you can't afford the things you want

We have a simple and powerful income generating system to make extra cash and passive incomes even on a part time basis. Abundance is achieved by simply enriching others lives to enrich yourself in return. The more people you help the greater you will earn and with the modern technology you can even do it wherever you maybe. Very minimal monetary investment  and no financial risk. Our team help you build your business organization with our duplicable system and tools to empower you to empower others in your organization.

You have gifts and talents, abilities and strengths that the world benefits from every day. Celebrate them. Believe that you add value to those around you. You do make a positive difference in the lives of many. I too would love to continue to make a positive difference in your life. I want to invite you to join the Royale Eagles MVP team for abundance! 

We wish you peace, joy, sensational health and abundant prosperity this new year  and always.  May your every dream come true in 2011... and beyond!!!

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