Monday, December 13, 2010

The Wonder of nature's "FRESH"

By: Julie A. Baeyens

I always enjoy gardening when I can.  Today is perfect because it had not rained for a couple of days so the garden is dry but the ground is soft enough for  weeding and digging.  It is a good day to cut the grass, the sun felt wonderful, only 19 °C with light fog.   I spent the whole day in the garden and had my lunch under the mango tree.  There are  still guavas (left by the typhoon) and oranges for snacks, they were sweet and crunchy, fresh from the tree.  I noticed that  the citrus trees were beginning to bloom, there were  new tiny flowers on the orange tree so I decided to smoke it to drive  the pests away.  Absolutely no pesticide in my garden, not even on the flower beds. I love  the fresh air, the fruits, the herbs and the flowers.  This  must be a  healthy day for me because I feel great after the whole day’s manual labor.

Have you ever wondered why  “Fresh…” is good for your health?  Doctors, Alternative medicine practitioners and therapists recommend fresh air, fresh running water, fresh fruits and vegetables for healing and wellness.  Why do we feel great after walks in the woods or along the beach?  When we do not feel well, we say, " I need fresh air."  This is what I found out,  it is not only the exercise we get  working out doors,  hiking or vacationing in the mountains and in the beach but also because of the abundance of ANIONS that we breath in at such places. 
Anions or Negative ions are created in nature with air molecules broken apart from sunlight, radiation, and moving air or water. Negative ions are odorless tasteless molecules that are breathed into our respiratory system. High concentrations of negative ions can be found in nature, in mountain forests, waterfalls, and beaches where people can feel energized and invigorated, which helps relieve stress, alleviate depression and boosts energy.  Fresh fruits and vegetables contain more anions, ideally eaten fresh.  Processed and preserved food contains more positive ions which are often times harmful to our body.  Negative ions are sourced out from the alkaline (good) foods while the positive ions from the acidic (bad) foods. Our body needs a certain balance of both ions to keep fit.

Health Benefits of Anion

Anion in air is like vitamin in food, greatly benefits people’s health and everyday routine, therefore, it is also being referred to as vitamin in air, which can facilitate body growth and disease prevention, the benefits are different to different organs.

*  To respiratory system: improves lung function. 30 minutes after anion intake, the lung is able to inhale 20% more oxygen and exhale 14.5% more carbon dioxide.

*  To cardiovascular system: significantly reduces blood pressure, improves cardiac muscle function and nutrition, facilitates the dilation of capillary vessel and the rise of skin temperature...Read more

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